Invaluable Resource for Cancer Patients and Caregivers – Eating Well Through Cancer Cookbook
For two decades, oncology dietitians across the country have recommended and have provided Eating Well Through Cancer to their patients as an invaluable resource on what to eat while undergoing cancer treatment – chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery. Nutrition and appetite are often concerns for someone recently diagnosed with cancer, and this cookbook is the perfect guide for patients and caregivers, providing tips, information, and recipes.
Eating Well Through Cancer cookbook includes:
- 175 nourishing recipes with beautiful, appetizing photographs
- Recipes are categorized by common side effects of cancer as well as nutritional needs and helpful information for caregivers
- Easy-to-read recipes as well as Terrific Tips and Nutrition Information
- Diabetic, Gluten-free, Vegetarian, and Freezer-friendly recipes
- 3rd edition, released in 2016 with additional updates in 2019
- 8 x 10, softcover, 202 full-color pages
- Retail Price: $24.95
For more information and to order, contact:
Lee Jackson, RDN, LDN email: | phone: 225-266-8255
Revised 3rd Edition of Eating Well Through Cancer
Cancer patients worldwide rely on this best-selling cookbook as a resource for what to eat to maintain strength and appetite during cancer treatment. Holly Clegg’s Eating Well Through Cancer: Easy Recipes & Tips to Guide You Through Cancer Treatment and Prevention is in the 3rd edition with over 1.2 million copies sold to date.
This newest version of Eating Well Through Cancer cookbook is published in loving memory of Holly, who passed away on November 1, 2019, surrounded by her family after a long, courageous battle with stage four gastric cancer.
Eating Well Through Cancer Cookbook Invaluable Resource
When Holly passed away in the Fall of 2019, after a courageous battle with Stage 4 Gastric Cancer, it was her wish that her work and legacy of Trim & TERRIFIC® recipes and cookbooks, especially Eating Well Through Cancer continue on. Holly’s best-selling cookbook continues to be an invaluable resource for cancer patients and caregivers to rely on for what to eat to maintain strength and appetite during cancer treatment.
Holly’s Appearance on The 700 Club With Cancer Cookbook!
Holly Clegg’s The 700 Club appearance was so special. Not only was she thrilled to get to meet Pat Robertson but she had the chance to share her message about this cookbook for cancer patients and also show healthy recipes for cancer survivors.
Highlights of Eating Well Through Cancer! What Makes This Book So Different?

- Quick Nourishing Recipes to Ease Side Effects
- Cancer Prevention Recipes
- Cancer Patient Cookbook
- Caregiver Support, Menus, Tips and Nutritional Nuggets
- Highlights Diabetic-Friendly, Gluten-Free, Vegetarian & Freezer-Friendly
- Over 175 Easy Recipes with Color Photographs
- Nutritional and Diabetic Information with each recipe
- ick Nourishing Recipes to Ease Side Effe
Did You Know This Comes in a Spanish Version?!
Contact Team Holly dietitian, Lee Jackson, LDN, RD, for special sales and bulk orders of English and Spanish versions of Eating Well Through Cancer cookbook, Alimentandose Bien Durante el Cancer, as well as all of Holly Clegg’s Trim and Terrific cookbooks. Email Lee at – phone (225) 266-8255.
Cancer Treatment Recipes For People Living With Cancer: Why We Wrote Eating Well Through Cancer
A cookbook for cancer patients designed to help better tolerate treatment and also healthy recipes for cancer survivors. The cookbook includes easy thirty minute recipes and recipes fit into different side effects. However, the Lemon Feta Chicken Holly prepared on The 700 Club could make a quick chicken dinner. Or, sometimes when you have that metallic taste in your mouth the lemon flavor helps. Or, it can be a light meal to give you nourishment. Most importantly, whatever reason you are having this simple chicken recipe for dinner it will feed everyone! All selected recipes taste good, are easy to prepare and are made with ingredients you have in your pantry.
Clegg’s Cancer Cookbook Comes Highly Recommended By Dietitian & Nutritionist Community
Samantha Mossman, RD, CSO: “At my previous job at a small community cancer center I was able to give out her book to all new chemo patients. They always shared positive feedback and loved the recipes. Her book was an amazing resource for many of my patients.”
Sita Nath, MS RD, CNSC: “Dear Holly, your cookbook has been such an invaluable resource for our patients. Your hard work and dedication shone through this cookbook. Thank You for all you do for the oncology community!!!”
Lynne Groeger, MS, RD, CSO: “COUNTLESS numbers of patients and their caregivers have benefited so much from her cookbook and information. It has been so wonderful to have access to the cookbook via drug reps and even when that is not available, the cookbook is highly recommended for patients to purchase. It has been a relief and reassurance to have a credible and user-friendly cookbook for the cancer community, especially with so much other unreliable information and books out there. The world is a better place for her contributions. – organizing recipes by symptoms was and is such a great idea. This is another reason that the book is so helpful to patients.”
Whitney Warminski, RD, CSO, LD: “Your cookbook, “Eating Well through Cancer,” is one of my favorites to recommend to cancer survivors. It is my hope to some day be able to provide them to all interested patients at no cost. It will be an honor to share your story with my patients. Thank you for your dedication to the profession. Well done, Holly.”
Elizabeth Korman Bond, RDN,CSO,LD/N: “I have recommended Holly’s cookbook to literally 100s of oncology patients/caregivers. Additionally, for the past 2 years, I have been providing speaker programs on oncology nutrition to oncology physicians and healthcare teams on their patients’ oncology nutrition care. At every presentation I have shown them a copy of Holly’s cookbook and urged them to have copies in the clinic. Her contributions, through her cookbook, to oncology patients’ nutrition care, is remarkably outstanding.”
Darienne Hall, MCN, RD, CSO, LD: “Hello Holly, We met here at Simmons a few years ago – we were receiving your cookbooks through a Merck rep, but you were also kind enough to give us some of your other books, too! I must say, the noodle casserole recipe was a big hit with many of our patients on treatment. Thank you for your devotion to not only eating well, but helping our patients enjoy eating as much as possible. As food nourishes the body as well as the soul, please know that you have done both.”
Lynn Kaminski, RD,LD: “Holly’s books are sitting right in front of me as I just read this. I have used her books and recipes personally with family and friends myself and have recommended them professionally many times. Her recipes have always been well received, complimented, and appreciated. Thank you so much for utilizing you expertise sharing nutrition information, recipes that are simplified, and have helped many people obtain nutrition while dealing with cancer symptoms.”
Paula Jones, RDN, MS, CSO: “Holly has had a meaningful impact on many, many cancer patients that I work with. Her cook book has been “borrowed/ lost” out of our reception area countless times. Her recipes and advice so helpful and nourishing.”
Elena Zidaru, MA, RD “Eating Well Through Cancer” is such a valuable resource for our cancer patients. From dietitians, infusion nurses, to of course patients, everybody loves this book! Thank you, Holly Clegg!”
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