My Surprise: I Met Jim Allison MD Anderson Nobel Prize Winner 2018
I was going to MD Anderson for my 4th chemo treatment. Well, we got caught in the middle of a parade for James Allison Nobel Prize Winner of Medicine. I had to get to the other side of the cross walk for my chemo treatment. So, they ushered me with my husband, sister and Haley to the opposite side of the room with thousands of people anxiously awaiting Jim Allison Nobel Prize Winner 2018. So, then we are forced to stop. Next, the drums came by and Dr. Jim Allison MD Anderson Nobel Prize winner in Medicine suddenly appears by my side. Thousands of people have been waiting for hours. How touching it was to me to have treatment at MD Anderson and knowing the Nobel Prize winner of medicine is by my side! I was very moved
I Stumbled Into The Parade For Dr. Jim Allison Nobel Prize Winner 2018
I Was So Touched To Meet Immunologist Jim Allison MD Anderson
I know what Jim Allison MD Anderson immunologist has done for cancer. You can read more about him here to better understand the impact h made on cancer immunnotherapy. Dr. Jim Allison was recognized for launching an effective new way to attack cancer by treating the immune system rather than the tumor. I know in years to come they will be treating stomach cancer with immunotherapy. To be at MD Anderson and meet a Nobel Prize Winner for cancer touched my heart!. Then, we were ushered through the crowd to get to the other side for my appointment which wasn’t so exciting. At least I had a reason for being late!
My Stomach Cancer Journey
I have a long road ahead and days like today were fun and exciting! I have had wonderful opportunities to meet celebrities to important people but meeting immunologist Jim Allison meant so much to me. Because I am battling stomach cancer at this time, it was very special and emotional for me.
I Help People With My Cancer Cookbook

I feel fortunate to be the author of one of the best-selling cancer cookbooks, Eating Well Through Cancer. This book has helped guide so many people through chemo and cancer treatment. Ironically, I also am turning to my cancer cookbook to help me battle my stomach cancer. As soon as I could start eating I cooked recipes from the book and the recipes are easy and delicious. Nutrition is so important as I am experiencing myself.
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