Roasted Tomato and Brie Pasta
Roasted tomatoes combined with mild creamy brie and crunchy almonds create an unbeatable pasta dish. Take a short-cut with canned fired-roasted tomatoes and dried basil or try roasting tomatoes and fresh basil, either way, you have a winner!
6 (1-cup)servings
6 (1-cup)servings
  • 12ounces spiral pasta
  • 3tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 can diced fire-roasted tomatoes or roasted tomatoes14 1/2-ounce, see recipe
  • 2cup teaspoons dried basil leaves or 1/4loosely packed fresh basilchopped
  • 1teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1/2cup cubed Brierind removed
  • 1/4cup sliced almondstoasted
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Cook pasta according to package directions: drain.
  2. In large nonstick skillet, heat oil and add tomatoes, basil and garlic to skillet. Add Brie, stirring until just begins to melt.
  3. Transfer Brie mixture to pasta, add almonds and carefully toss together. Season to taste.